
PyraLight Set 2.png

What is the pyralight.

The PyraLight pad creates a healing pulsed magnetic field at the Schumann 8Hz frequency, along with pulsed 850nm Infra Red light. This pulsed field allows stressed and unbalanced areas of body to start to self heal. Placing a glass of water on the pad for 5 minutes or longer structures the water, and you can taste the difference compared with the original water. The PyraLight pad therefore structures the water inside your body. Cells can only absorb structured water through the microtubules of the cell membrane. The pad also interferes with, and therefore reduces, radio frequency EMFs from phones and WiFi in your environment.The pad can be safely used as long as you wish, you can leave it running all the time to clear the EMFs in your environment. Generally the easiest way to use the pad is to place it, LEDs pointing up, under your pillow overnight. Your body will guide you how long to run it, which is as long as you feel comfortable. You can also place the pad wherever you like on top of your body, LEDs pointing down. It is not recommended that you lie on the pad, in order to protect the pad itself. 

The PyraLight pad was developed by Guy Harriman in early 2017, and the technology has been in evaluation since Februray 2017. Anecdotal evidence from early users include the pad's amazing benefits in fibromyalgia, Crohns, excema, arthritis, poor sleep quality, general anxiety, interrupted sleep due to frequent night time urination, and general stress. The PyraLight pad works individually with each person, so experiment for yourself. Sometimes it can take a week or two for an old pattern held in the body to start to shift, especially if it is buried deep in the unconscious mind. So be patient and observe the signals from your body when you use the PyraLight pad.

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